Thin Places Book Launch and Reading
Sunday, July 19th at 4 pm
St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church
Los Osos, CA
For map and directions
Light refreshments will be served.
With my debut novel, Thin Places, recently released, here are 8 way you can support me–or other local indie authors who might be too shy to ask.
Beware! This is a totally self-serving blog post:
1. Come to my book launch and invite your friends. I’ll be doing a short reading, answer questions, and then sign books and schmooze.
2. Buy my book. Yes, I’m stating the obvious. Here’s a short synopsis of the book and links to purchase Thin Places in paperback or your favorite e-reader. If you’re going to my book launch, I’ll have plenty of paperback copies available.
3. Invite me to your book group to do a reading and discussion. I’m intrigued by the creative process—from writing to art to gardening, dancing, Tai chi, cooking, playing golf. It’s all creative and I’ve been struck over the years by the similarity of the process no matter the medium.
4. If you like my book, write a review on Amazon or Goodreads or Barnes & Noble. Reviews help others to see a book, and also give me–the author–feedback.
5. It’s great when you hit the “like” button on Facebook, and even better when you “share” or “retweet.” That way your friends see my post. (Did I say totally self-serving?) If you’re feeling bold, post a picture on Facebook, holding my book.
6. At the top of the page, you can subscribe to my website. I post something new about once a month—rarely longer than 500 words. I try to be thoughtful, thought-provoking, and creative. Post a comment; I almost always respond.
7. Mention my book to your friends. Word of mouth sells books, especially books by independent authors.
8. After you’ve read my book, please tell me. Send me an e-mail, tweet about it, post it on Facebook. I’d love to hear from you.
Happy reading!
I’ve personally invited my book club to join me. I hope some of them do!
That’s terrific. Thanks so much. I look forward to seeing you there.
Very excited for you! I will order a copy through amazon. Good luck at your book launch! K
Thanks Kay! I’ve been getting really nice feedback on the book. Happy reading and I’d love to hear from you after you’ve read it. Hope all is well with you.
I read the article about you written by Ruth Starr in the JOURNAL and was immediately and totally intrigued. I will be ordering your book on Amazon this afternoon.
In the meantime, I belong to a Book Club in Arroyo Grande and once a year (January 14) we invite a local artist to come and talk with us. We like to read the book first so we can talk intelligently about the contents.
Would you be open and available for such an adventure?
Thank you Edie! I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I’ve been doing readings of Thin Places and going to book groups; the response from readers has been terrific. If you read my book I hope you’ll send me your thoughts. Thanks again, Elie
Hello Edie, I didn’t see your whole comment the first time around. Yes, I would love to come to your book group and am available on January 14th. I assume you’ll want to talk to the group and confirm. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy reading!
Glad to hear back from you. I will present YOU and the article in the JOURNAL PLUS to the Book Club this Thursday, Nov. 12. I have been delayed in ordering your book from Amazon because of credit card problems, but they should be solved by Monday.
Pls keep in touch via email.
Edie J