Gertrude keeps hounding me to write another blog post. “I’m busy,” I tell her, obsessed with writing my next novel. It’s about the power of charismatic figures to draw us in—and then poison our environs with rancor and distrust. It’s about the consequences of allowing bullies to prevail.
I hadn’t planned on mirroring current events. But serendipitously, here I am: 86,000 words into the second draft.
One of the main characters in my novel, Billie Ochoa, teaches a course on Cold War politics. Consequently, I’ve been reading about Stalin’s tyrannical regime, red-baiter Joseph McCarthy, the Cuban Missile Crisis, trying to understand how bullies capture our imaginations so effectively that we freely put ourselves—and our democracy—at great risk.
I’m still working on a title for the book. Perhaps Tens Minutes to Disaster. Or The Deceit of the Deal. Or simply Splat!
Even Gertrude–who sees dust bunnies as a threat to our existence–thinks I’m paranoid, exaggerating, trading on conspiracy theories. “Surely we’ve learned important, unforgettable lessons from the 1950’s,” she says. Loyalty oaths. Blacklisting teachers and actors. Jailing labor organizers. Abrogating free speech in the name of national security. Manipulating the media. Did you know the CIA hired journalists and major news outlets to spy for the US government? The New York Times. CBS News. Time and Life Magazine. The Christian Science Monitor. All participated in a CIA-funded effort called Operation Mockingbird.
Gertrude chimes in, “That wouldn’t happen now. Besides, wasn’t that a really long time ago?”
I remind her that President-elect Trump has appointed at least three retired generals to his Cabinet. According to the Atlantic Monthly, the last time that happened was President Ulysses S. Grant. Right after the Civil War.
I wonder aloud how many steps we are away from a coup.
If it’s paranoia, I’m not alone. An op-ed piece in the New York Times by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy? cites three indicators that put democracy at risk including, “a failure to reject violence unambiguously, a readiness to curtail rivals’ civil liberties, and the denial of the legitimacy of elected governments.” I would add: the insistence that facts don’t matter.
All of which are tactics used by our current President-elect.
But a coup? That wouldn’t happen, at least not in America. But imagine, Levitsky and Ziblatt opine, if there were another large-scale terrorist attack on the United States. Or rioting in the streets.
Raise your hands if you remember Kent State.
Here’s where I end with a message of hope. In a recent opinion piece in The Guardian, Barbara Kingsolver, encourages us to use our skills and talents—whatever they may be—to speak up. “Every soul willing to do that is part of our team … to show the new president what we stand for, and what we won’t.”
Teachers. Scientists. Journalists. Artists. Therapists. Historians. Political Scientists. Electricians. Physicians. Carpenters. Nannies.
I’m using mine as a writer. Because words matter. And actions do too.
Hear! Hear! Couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks for using your beautiful words in this way and standing up to Gertrude.
I enjoyed reading your art, Ellie. Keep at it…especially now. We must take a stand for that in which we believe. Wanda
Thank you Wanda! Hope you’re doing well.
Keep your blogs coming. I enjoy reading your inspiring words…they do matter!
Thank you Joanne!
Good to hear your thoughts. I was wondering where your next book was at. I would add 2 phrases: “Resist the Future!” and “Resistance is Not futile!”
Yes, I agree. Thanks for your comment!
Ellie, I am delighted to hear that you are writing another novel. On Sunday,
at Unity 5-Ciites we heard a talk entitled “For or Against” Words and actions
do matter. What we put out into the Universe will create either positive
energy or negative energy. I choose to put out what I am for and to do
what I can with my actions and by thoughts(hope). FEAR CAN NOT BE
Hi Judy, I could’t agree more. Thanks for your comment. Elie
I emailed a letter to The Tribune two weeks ago, to the effect that Joe McCarthy stands in my memory as the embodiment of evil-in-government. The letter ended: “Compared to the felon McCarthy, Trump is a pickpocket.”
The letter never appeared.
I know, it sounds paranoid to compare what’s going on now to McCarthy, but the parallels are unmistakable. As a newspaperman, it must be especially hard to watch.
Well said and in full agreement with your thoughts. Thanks.
Thanks Elaine!
I’m looking forward to reading your new novel. In the meantime, keep up the strong words. We all need to be clear-eyed and stiff-necked, ready to see what’s heading in the wrong direction, and stubbornly insistent on preserving decency and democracy.
I believe we have our work cut out for us. Thanks for weighing in.
While watching “The Hollow Crown” on Masterpiece Sunday night there was a commentator that
spoke about the Shakespeare play. Part of his commentary was:
Apparently not enough.
Thanks, Elie. Both matter. And history matters, too. To think it can’t happen again is naive. Perhaps not with the same characters or exactly the same progression of event. But to believe we have no power to create change is also naive. Vigilance, self education and action are truly vital.
Hi Elie,
Thanks for writing what you do.
You might want to red a few books on psychopaths and why they are able to deceive us every time.
Here are a few to check out:
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us 1st Edition
by Robert D. Hare (Author)
Snakes in Suits: also by Hare
The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It . . . Every Time Paperback – January 10, 2017
by Maria Konnikova (Author)
Best, Nancy